الخميس، 6 أكتوبر 2011

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

During the Impressionist style in the art world, considered a main influence, French painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir was recognized for his audible observations projected through his work on feminine sensuality and beauty. Born in Limogens, Haute-Vienne, France on February 25, 1841, he obtained work as a child in a porcelain factory.
Before enrolling in an art school he did paintings on fine china, designs on fans, and hangings for missionaries overseas. While in Paris studying under Charles Gleyre in 1862, he came in contact with Alfred Sisley, Claude Monet, and Frederic Bazille.
A few years later in 1874, Renoir had a change of subjects after leaving the scenic property of Jules Le Coeur near Fontainebleau. During the same year, in the first Impressionist display, six pieces of his were shown that gave his work popularity, and later collaborating with Durand-Ruel had two more pieces shown in London. In the late 1880s while traveling across Europe and gaining inspiration from European landscapes, he produced over twenty paintings.
During this same time frame he had made an effort to veer away from his real life impressionist style of painting in order to experiment with a more formal technique. While making this venture during his career, the ideal subjects projected in his work became mostly women.
He proceeded to paint in this manner until traveling to Italy in 1881 and seeing the Renaissance art. He was convinced that his work was headed in the wrong direction. After this personal realization he spent the next couple of years trying to revert back to classicism.
Renoir later married Aline Victorine Charigot in 1890, who he already had a son by in 1885 named Pierre. Once married, he began to create portraits of his every day family life.
Due to his dedication and passion, he never ceased to paint, even after developing rheumatoid arthritis in 1892 that limited his movement so severely that he spent his remaining life in a wheelchair. The progression of his disability eventually lead to his fingers being paralyzed, but even this did not stop him from expressing himself. By having a utensil strapped to his hand, he continued his work until dying on December 3, 1919.
The impact that Renoir had with his painting style can be seen through other artists work in later generations. The use of saturated color and extravagant lighting value would direct more focus upon subjects placed in candid and intimate compositions.
In the 1860s when he collaborated with fellow artist and friend Claude Monet, the method of diffusion reflection was discovered. By figuring out that a shadow was not simply brown or black shading, but it actually was the result of light reverberating color off of the surrounding subjects.
Renoir being able to portray the sensual emotion of his subjects established him with popularity within the feminist style of design. Due to this technique of illustrating, his legacy will pass through the art generations. His beautiful use of shading, hues, and value in his final pieces provides an oasis for imaginative recreation among the impressionist culture.

Work From Home in 3 Easy Steps

Does the drive to and from work wear you out? Do you wake up depressed because you are going to a job you hate, come home depressed because you did a job you hate, and go to bed dreading going back to a job you hate? It may be time to consider a new approach to your career. In three easy steps you could be working from home, enjoying your family and friends with free time and a mind free from the bitterness and depression that come from having a hateful job.

The first step to a work from home lifestyle is to research your options for home businesses. These options are varied, so you are sure to find just what you are looking for in a business. You could stuff envelopes, do taxes, or fill out Internet surveys. You could do network marketing and meet new people every day. These people are more than strangers; they are potential clients and friends. You could begin a web page and participate in an affiliate program, making money by simply providing a link to another person's website. These ideas are accessible, and they do not require a vast knowledge of computers, but a willingness to learn.

The second step to beginning a work from home business is to organize your strategy. Your organization will depend on the type of business. The Internet offers a multitude of resources for the planning phase. A well-planned business structure will provide peace of mind for the risk you are taking and direction in the beginning days when your business is just getting off the ground. This plan will help guide you through to success. Internet forums and chat rooms can be an excellent source of information and networking with other business owners. These people can pass on helpful hints and information with an insider's perspective.

The third step to working from home is designating a time frame and setting goals. Working from home offers a lot of freedom and can be a lot of fun. YOU can be with your family, golf on a beautiful day, or take a nap when you need to. On the other hand, it could also be easy to never get anything accomplished. When you set goals for yourself, you give yourself a target to work for and a time frame within which to accomplish tour tasks. This direction can provide motivation and incentive when the sunny days call you too many hours consecutively. Hard work is the key to any success, and a home business is no different. A home business requires less hard work and maintenance once it is running, but you will benefit daily from the hard work you put into getting it running.

Benjamin Scott operates a successful internet business working from his home personal computer. Grab a FREE copy of his 9 lesson e-marketing course at: http://www.eazyhomebusiness.com/ 

Summer Safety Tips for your Canine Companions

Keep your pet safe from serious diseases like rabies, distemper and parvo, by always making sure your pet's vaccinations are up to date.

Talk to your veterinarian about flea and tick prevention. Obviously, fleas and ticks pose a greater threat in the summer months, and they can harber serious illnesses such as lyme's disease and parasites.

Heartworm prevention is a must for your dog, in the summer months, especially. Heartworms are carried by mosquitoes, so you should be extra careful if you are in an area prone to mosquito infestation.

Most insecticides are hazardous. Keep your pet safe by storing them up and away from the area that your pet will be staying. If they do get into your lawn and garden chemicals, call your veterinarian immediately.

Not unlike humans, dogs can also have allergic reactions to insect bites and stings. If your dog is bitten or stung, remove the stinger first, then watch the site closely. If signs of allergic reaction, such as increased swelling or trouble breathing occur, take hime to the vet immediately.

Keep your pet safe from heat exhaustion by giving him plenty of fresh drinking water, and a cool shady place to rest during the hot hours of the day.

You may find many helpful items to keep your pet safe by visiting our website at http://www.playswithgreys.com. 

الأحد، 2 أكتوبر 2011

التحيات والمجاملات باللغة الفرنسية

صباح الخير .. بونجور .. bonjour

مساء الخير .. بونسوار .. bonsoir

أصبحت على خير .. بون وي .. bonne nuit

كيف حالكم .. كو مان تاليه فو ..comment allez vous

كيف صحتكم .. كومان فو برتيه فو ..comment vous portez vous

حسنا جدا .. تريه بيان ميرسي ..tres bien merci

كيف الحال .. كومان سافا .. comment ca va

أنا جدا مسرور لرؤيتكم .. أنشانتيه دو فو فوار ..enchante de vous voir

كيف حال العائلة .. كو مان فا لا فاميي ..comment va la famille

أنها بخير وبصحة جيدة شكرا .. إيل سوبورت بيان ميرسي .elle sa porte bien merci

شكرا أنا في أحسن حال .. ميرسي آميرفيى ..merci a merveille

الى اللقاء .. أورفورار ..au revoir

مع السلامة .. بون فوياج ..bon voyage

نهار يوم .. جور ..jour

مساء .. سوار .. soir

طيب طيبة .. بون / بوني..bon bonne

ليلة .. نوي .. nuit

تحياتي للجميع .. سالو آتو لو موند .. salut a tout le monde

قبل ان نبدأ يجب ان تعرف هذه المعلومات

نطق الكلمة الفرنسية يكون من اليسار إلى اليمين كالإنجليزية

آخر حرف في كلمة عادة لا تنطق .. مثلاً Deux تنطق دوْ وليس دوكس

حرف r تنطق كالخاء في حالتين ، الأولى عندما تأتي بعد حرف t .. مثل trois تنطق تخوا وفي كلمة Francais أيضا بالخاء . فخانسيه

Comment allez vous ?

النطق : كمون تيلي فو

حرف t ينطق مع الكلمة الثانية لأن الكلمة الثانية بدأت بحرف من حروف العلة وهي a أما حرفة z لم ينطق مع الكلمة الثانية لأن الكلمة التي تليها تبداً بحرف ليس من حروف العلة وهي v ..

تعلم بعض الكلمات الفرنسية

بونجور bonjour صباح الخير

بون سوار bonsoir مساء الخير

بون نوييييي bonne nuit ليلة سعيدة

سافا؟(تلفظ بنبرة السؤال) ca va? كيف الحال وتستخدم بين الاصدقاء
سافا بين ca va bien هذه الاجابة عن كيف الحال ومعناها بخير
سا نو فا با ca ne va pas معناها لست بخير

تو مو مونك tu me manque افتقدك
جو تيم je t'aime احبك

جوتو ديتيست je te deteste اكرهك

جيه فام j'ai faim انا جائع

جيه سواف j'ai soife انا عطشان

جو سوي فاتيكيه je suis fatigue انا تعبان

جو سوي مالاد je suis malade انا مريض

ال فيه فغوا il fait froid الجو بارد

ال فيه شود il fait chaud الجو حار

ال فيه بو il fait beau الجو جميل

ان اوم un homme رجل

اوون فام une femme امرأة

ان كاغسون un garcon ولد

اوون فييي une fille فتاة

جو سوي ديزوليه je suie desole انا اسف

اكس كوزيه موا excusez-moi اسمحلي
سالووووو salut هلو

كومو تاليه فوو comment allez-vous? كيف الحال
جو في بين je vais bien انا بخير
جو في مال je vais male لست بخير

بون انيه bonne annee سنة سعيدة
بون اني فيغ سيغ bon anniversaire ميلاد مجيد
جوايو ز اني فيغ سيغ joyeux anniversaire عيدميلاد سعيد
تويه جنييي tu es gentille انت لطيف
ميغسي merci شكرا
دوغيان de rien عفوا
ان un واحد
دوو deux اثنان
تغوا trois ثلاثة
كاتخ quatre اربعة
سانك cinq خمسة
سيس six ستة
سيت sept سبعة
ويت huite ثمانيه (ياء طويلة)

نيف neuf تسمعة(يا خفيفة جدا)
ديييس dix عشرة (ياء طويلة)
اوغوفوار au revoire الى اللقاء
ا بين تو a bientot باي
كومين توتابيل comment tu t'appelles? ما اسمك؟
جومابيل (الاسم) je m'appelle..... اسمي....

تعلم اللغة الفرنسية 1 Learn French Language 1

هذه الدروس مجانية!  تستطيع أن تبدأ دروس لغة فرنسيه الآن على الفور..  هذا الكورس مقسم لعدة أجزاء رئيسية.  من الممكن أن تبدأ على الفور بتعلم بعض الكلمات الأساسية، والجمل الرئيسية، عن طريق الضغط على الجزء المراد من الجدول التالي.  وستجد تنوع في الكلمات المختارة من أكلات ونباتات وغيره..  ولا تنسى أن تشاهد الصفحات التالية أو السابقة المحتوية على الفهرس الكامل للدروس.
These lessons are completely free of charge!
You can begin to learn the French language online and right now. The course is divided into different sections and themes. You can begin straight away and learn some basic phrases, simply click on the appropriate link from the table. If there is a specific subject that interest you, such as food, hotels or whatever, you still gonna find it.  And don't forget to check the previous/next index pages for the full lessons list.
Index 1

Going Somewhere
الذهاب لمكان ما
saisons, jours et moisSeasons, days and monthsالمواسم و الأيام و الشهور
le corps humain
The human body
جسم الانسان
Some Animals
بعض الحيوانات
Numbers and fruits
ارقام و فواكه
In Town
في المدينة
Greetings and farewells
التحيات و الوداع
قال ابن قيــم

من كمــالِ إحسـانِ اللهِ تعالى ،
أن يذيــقَ عبدَهُ مــرارةَ الكسْــر قبلَ حـلاوةَ الجبــر ،
ويعــرفه قــدر نعمتهِ عليه بأن يبتليـه بضــدها